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Please take good care of mom for us. both of you are missed and thought of every day.your always on my mind love you
Your Granddaughter Katya
Hey Papa,Its been awhile since we have talked i miss you so much we all miss yu. i hope you arre doing okay.i love you so muchh:]
Your Daughter Jean
Hey dad, grandma Rose just come home i told her to tell you i love & miss you, please take care of each other!! Watch Over MoM
Time has gone by and still missing you.i guess sometimes i wish thing were diffenent i have no one to yell at and talk to love you
Your Grandaughter Katya
Hey Papa,I justed wanted tto say Hi.The summer has came to an end and i start school on September 2.I Love you talk to you soon...
Daughter Jean
Hey Dad, Well Corey did it!! wish you where there.. Keep a eye on him he is struggle with things and needs you to guide him
Your Daughter Jean
Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you.. happy birthday dad happy birthday to you..(now make a wish) we all miss you alot
Your Daugher Jean
Dad, its almost the 29th and another b-day without you, i miss you alot! Its seem harder for me lately & i think for mom to xo
Hey papa wats up i miss u alot and i wanted to let u no i didnt forget about u and we all miss u so keep us safe and look ova us
Hi its been while but your still on my mind and i miss you. i wish i could have help you more.happy birthday
Your Daughter Jean
Hey Dad, im getting my 5yrs tonight and wish you were here. I do know that you will be with me watching from above. love ya
No matter how fast life passes bye!i will always luv u because u are one half of my heart that is missing u! love u!<3<3
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