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Your Daugher

Hey Dad


Just wanted to share things with you.. not that we ever had many heart felt conversation, alot of the time is was just you complaining.. funny how things change.. i was by the house the other day and if you havent seen.. There is a beatiful flag post & bird bath in memories of you and the plate came and i was standing by it.. thinking to myself we all do & think about you more today then ever.. funny that is that we take thing for granite til there gone.. that statment is so true!!!!  I keep this website going for me and who ever wants to.. I found it help...  Corey finally did it.. so one down for me.. hope they all make it..  I was just listening to a tape rachael had.. you know her alway tapeing things.. And i hadnt heard your voice for a while now.. and it just brought back how silly you could be at time.. A great things about you that alot of the times when didnt get to see.. I love you and miss you more and more... Wish we had more time to..... but we dont.. so i will talk to you this way for now.. and see you again we it time.. xoxoxo

PS. Rachael missing you alot... kinda seems lost at time... without her PAPA...


Carol sister-law

The four of us have shared some great times.  The camping trips to Maine and New Hampshire stand out as some funny times.  John and I can't stop laughing every time we think of you, as you and John did some crazy things.  You were my personal mechanic, for  the old blue goose as we called it,  when is needed repair, you were right there.   When you health started to fail, thats when I started buying new cars. The house at 58 School St. is not the same with you not there.

I won't say good-bye for I'll be seeing you some day.

Love and missed every day.


Nikki Marie Gabardi


               its really been hard getting used to the fact that you are really gone. I no longer see you walking around town, sitting on the steps, feeding the birds, singing "take me out to the ball game" or "thats amore",peaking in on me and Nan before we went to bed to see what we were up too, telling me all of your crazy (though sometimes innaproriate) stories, or just sitting and talking with you and rachael when i  got out of school. Everything is so different now, its so quiet all the time. I used to feel bad about having such "disfunctional" holidays. But not this year. I would have given anything just to have you there. Even if it was to start a fight, to break the silence that has now taken your place. Holidays dont feel the same anymore. I hope that you are at peace Papa, please watch over all of us! I miss you and love you


ohh...and ps. if you could put in a good word for me with the "Big Guy" that would be FAAAaaaannnNNNTTTaaaAAAsssSSTTIiiccCC! thanks!



           I miss you so much ! There is never a dad when i dont think or miss you. I remember when I would comeover and you would besitting on the couch watching t.v and asking how my day wad. Or when we feed the birds. I miss the times on holidays when we would all watch the game and i miss your hugs. I cant wait to be with you again !


Papa,I remember those days when we would watch the RedSox games together.When we would take our walks around the block.There are so many memories we have shared through the years.One thing that i will remember is the peanut butter sandwiches they were the best sandwiches,because you made them.Man I miss your food.Papa I will remember the advice you gave me about friends and not to be scared.Those memories will always stay in my heart.

Papa I can still feel your arms wrapped around me,those arms that help me sleep every night.

                                                          I love you with all of my heart!


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